Software Developer Trainee in Spericorn Technology

Last date of application : 11-11-2024 6:00 pm

 Spericorn Technology Private Limited


Company Spericorn Technology Private Limited 

Designation: Software Developer Trainee

Location     :  Trivandrum



  • Recent graduates (B.Tech, B.E., B.Sc., etc.) in IT or related disciplines
  • Basic knowledge of programming languages (Java, C++, Python, MySQL etc.)
  • Understanding of software development concepts and methodologies
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Good communication and teamwork abilities
  • A passion for technology and willingness to learn

Experience : Freshers

About Company

SPERICORN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED is an ambitious and innovative company that provides service in Web and Mobile Application Development. Spericorn is a trusted, strategic and long term partner for many and a pioneer in global engineering services .The company provides competitive, innovative and the most powerful solutions. Spericorn has developed solutions and frameworks that can be used to cost effectively deliver web and mobility solutions to its customers. We guarantee strict adherence to International Quality Standards.


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