Last date of application : 13-08-2016 10:00 am

Company Name :  SEQATO

Job Title :  Python Resources

Qualification : Any Degree

Experience  :  2 years

Requirements : 
*  Strong background in programming.
*  Detail-oriented
*  Good communication and collaboration skills.
*  Expert in Python with at least one Python web framework (such as Django, Flask etc)
*  Familiarity with ORM libraries (like SQLAlchemy) and event-driven programming
*  Good understanding of server side templating languages (Jinja, Mako etc)
*  Proficiency with Linux commands (Ubuntu) and messaging systems (like Celery)
*  Understanding of multiple delivery platforms (such as mobile, vs desktop) and providing output to match specific platform
*  Good understanding of RDBMS (like MySQL and PostgreSQL)

Job Location :   Trivandrum

Salary  :   As per industry standards

Interested candidates apply online.

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